Being a college with a difference since its inception in 1881, the American College, Madurai has been an academia par excellence in serving the cause of Higher Education imbued with a holistic perspective in imparting the state-of-the-art knowledge and skills with high seriousness and robustness relevant to contemporary times. Pedagogy of the Twenty First Century – updated and innovative- with a right blend of cutting-edge research has been the hallmark of the college. Fair subscription to original ideas, and framing curriculum adopting novel strategies, improvisations in Teaching- Learning process and evaluation patterns for an effective pedagogy and knowledge-generation/transmission through village outreach programmes, extension projects and competency- building workshops through the munificent grants offered by the Research and Development Committee of the college have always accelerated the growth of the institution.
In tune with the recommendations of the Kothari commission on National Policy on Education (1968), the college had championed the cause of Higher Education with three cardinal principles of Excellence, Relevance and Employability. Catering to the needs of the students through enhanced teacher-responsibility coupled with teaching-learning strategies in the stated domains, the college has always addressed the needs and priorities of its stakeholders through consultations and perfect professional expertise at various levels. The spirit of inquiry and conscientious subscription to fair functioning have led to the active research slant in all these approaches. The erstwhile office of the Academic Dean and an exclusive office of Dean for Curriculum Development and Research later, with the advice of the Research and Development committee, have been engaged in monitoring and encouraging the progress of research of the faculty and students.
In this post-second cycle of NAAC, research policies were revamped and newer references were created to strengthen the domain-centered approach. This in turn, has enhanced infrastructure and research equipment of the departments many fold. The college has made a paradigm shift in creating common instrumentation facilities that offer channels for pursuing innovations and improvisations so as to create a fresh ambience and eco systems for multi-disciplinary and cross-major learning and research. Today, as an integral part of the curriculum, the college promotes independent and group investigations and dissertation studies among undergraduate and postgraduate students. It also encourages its faculty to handle projects that would act as catalysts for developing grant proposals to attract funding agencies in India and abroad.
Positioned on firm foundation and backed by a century-old experience, the research policy of the college articulates that quality research, which engenders a sound knowledge-based society, is the hallmark of learning in the portal of Higher Education in India. Through effective and innovative measures, the research facility available in the college will direct, augment and invigorate a spirit of enquiry, scientific temperament, research aptitude, capacity-building, and character-formation in grooming researchers. These ideals are well envisioned and nurtured by the object of the institution.