0452-2530070 0452-2530070

Botany Research Guides / Scholar

S.No Name  of Research Guide Year of Registration Department   University of Recognition
1 Dr. G. C. Abraham 2011-2012 Botany Madurai Kamaraj University

S. No Name of the scholar Reg no Date of registration Fulltime/

Part Time

Title Name of the supervisor University Completed/

Likely to be completed (year)

1 Mr. S.Mohan P4098 2015 Part Time Studies on Therapeutic and morphogenetic competencies of select species of Syzygium Dr.G.C.Abraham MKU Completed


2 Dr. S. Rajkumar Immanuel 2018-2019 Botany Madurai Kamaraj University

S. No Name of the scholar Reg no Date of registration Fulltime/

Part Time

Title Name of the supervisor University Completed/

Likely to be completed (year)

1 Mr.P.Arokiaselvam P5530 2018 Part Time Comparative studies on green synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles, Characterization and their effect on biological application Dr.S.Rajkumar Immanuel MKU  2022
2 Ms.P.Anusha F10138 2018 Full Time Screening, isolation and purification of Pharmacologically active compound and its antioxidant, antiproliferative activity of Hygrophilaacuriculata (Schum) Heyne Dr.S.Rajkumar Immanuel MKU 2022 


3 Dr. R. Sanjay 2012-2013 Botany Madurai Kamaraj University

4 Dr. J. Ebenezar Immanuel 2012-2013 Botany Madurai Kamaraj University

S. No Name of the scholar Reg no Date of registration Fulltime/

Part Time

Title Name of the supervisor University Completed/

Likely to be completed (year)

4 Mr. V.M.Eswaran P5820 2019 Part Time Characterization of rhizosphere associated Pseudomonas fluorescens strains as an effective Biocontrol agent against the disease causing fungal pathogens ofSesamumindicum cultivated in Madurain district , Tamilnadu Dr.Ebenezer Immanuel MKU 2023