Bc/MBc/DNc Scholarship 2024-2025
FORM fresh
FORM Renewal

SC/ST Scholarship 2024-2025
FORM fresh
FORM Renewal
Our College has been ranked 54 among colleges in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF 2024) released by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070

Rules and Regulations


1. Admission:

Information regarding student’s admission into a Hall will be given in the admission card itself. This card must be presented while remitting the boarding deposit and other Hall charges, at the Bursar’s Office.

Students going to the second & third year undergraduate classes and II M.A., M.Sc., classes should apply for re-admission into the Hall before 31st May in the prescribed form and the same may be sent to the Warden concerned. Those who are admitted will be sent Hall admission cards.

Resident students who take the College repeat examinations and like to stay in the Hall are required to submit a written application to the Principal stating the dates of their examinations. If stay is permitted a fee at the rate of Rs. 10/- per day should be paid in advance in the Bursar’s Office and the receipt must be produced to the Warden for room assignment.

2. Mess:

Food will not be served anywhere except in the Dining Hall.

Meal hours are :

Breakfast                     –     7.00 a.m. – 8.00 a.m.

Lunch                          –     12.00 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.

Dinner Sunday to Friday –     7.00 p.m. – 8.15 p.m.

Dinner (Saturday)         –     7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

Rebate on Mess: A rebate on mess charge will be allowed only in the case of absence for five or more consecutive days. The amount of rebate will be calculated by the Warden as follows:

For absence of 5 to 10 days at Rs. 10/- per day; more than 10 days at Rs. 12/- per day.

Mess rebate will be granted to the members of the mess only after they bring the Mess Reduction Form to the Bursar’s Office duly filled and signed by the Warden. Members should present the form one day before they actually leave the mess. Students are liable to pay boarding charges if such information is not received by the office in time.

Special rebate on mess will be allowed to parties of students numbering not less than ten from a mess going out on recognised camps or study tours of not less than 3 days duration (but not more than 6 days) at the rate of Re. 1/- per day, provided the list is submitted to the Warden duly signed by the faculty leader of the party before proceeding on tour.

Change of Mess: Residents are not permitted to change from one mess to another during the course of an academic year, except on medical grounds.

3. Closing Time :

The closing time is 8-30 p.m. A member, who by some unavoidable cause is detained elsewhere after the closing time, shall on his return write his name and sign and make the appropriate entries in the Late Book kept by the watchman. Late-coming without satisfactory explanation is an offence punishable by the Warden.

When a large number of students return after a meeting or entertainment which is sponsored by the College or another Hall and which lasts beyond the closing time late book entries may not be required. Closing time on Saturdays and days preceding holidays will be 11 p.m.

Hall Prayers: Hall prayers are held at 8.00 p.m. in the Halls.

4. Roll Call:

A bell will be rung at 8.30 p.m. in the Halls; Roll call will be taken after the bell. Rooms must be kept open to enable the Superintendent to take the roll call. No student shall leave the Hall after the closing time without prior permission from the Warden or the Superintendent. On Saturdays and days preceding Holidays roll call will be taken at 9.00 p.m.

5. Study:

Study period will be observed generally by students between 8.30 p.m. 10.30 p.m. This period is meant for quiet study by students in the study halls specified or in their own rooms. Borrowing books or notebooks combined study, and the like should be done outside the study period. During study period canvassing for election or collecting subscription is not allowed.

6. Indoor Games:

Indoor games and musical instruments may be played during the following hours only.

Working days     –   4.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Saturdays          –   3.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

No game on Sundays and Govt. Holidays.

7. Audio Systems:

The Audio Systems will be in the immediate charge of the Superintendents.

Normal hours of use will be:

Working days             –   4.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Saturdays                    –  1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.

                               – 3.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Sundays and Holidays – 12.00 noon to 2.00 p.m.

                               – 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

The permission of the Warden must be obtained to listen to special programmes broadcast at other times. Blare must always be strictly avoided. Recorded music shall not be played beyond the prescribed time.

8. Amplification of music, or other recorded programme, can be arranged on special occasions, if permitted by the warden but it shall be played only from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4.30 p.m to 7 p.m. The volume should be kept down and direction adjusted so as not to cause inconvenience to the residents in the College quarters and bungalows, or the public, especially the patients in the Govt. Rajaji Hospital. During working hours of the College there should be no amplification of music. 

9. Meetings:

a. Meetings of entertainments should not be held at nights except on Fridays, Saturdays and College holidays.

b.Hall Day meetings and entertainments are not allowed beyond 11 p.m. and the participants in the entertainment shall be only the members of the staff or the students of our College.

10. Furniture and Lights :

Students are responsible for the furniture supplied to them or in the common room. Any wilful damage to any Hall property will be dealt with severely. Writing on the walls or doors, windows or furniture or defacing them in any manner is a punishable offence. Students should not tamper in any way with the electrical installation or use electric heaters or bulbs of higher power than those supplied. It is an offence to keep lights and fan on when there is no one in the rooms.

11. Hall Dispensary:

Any student who is ill may go to the Hall Dispensary between 7.30 a.m. and 8.30 a.m. All cases of sudden sickness should be reported to the Warden through the Superintendent.

12. Leave of Absence:

Leave of absence from Hall should be obtained from the Warden in person beforehand. Application for leave of absence from the College should be forwarded through the Warden to the Vice-Principal. On return to the Hall from leave the student should report himself to the Warden.

13. Discipline:

The Warden shall have the authority to take such steps and award such punishment as may be necessary for the maintenance of discipline. Serious cases of breach of discipline shall be reported to the Principal. The normal hours for visitors will be from 4 p.m to 7.30 p.m. During study hours, visitors are not permitted. Under special circumstances the father of a resident student will be allowed to stay as guest in the Hall for one night only, with the prior permission of the Warden. Such permission will be granted for a student only once in a semester.

14. Students should vacate their rooms and put their belongings in the common room whenever there is a break of 4 days or more.

15. Alcoholic Drinks and Drugs:

Introduction of alcoholic drinks and drugs into the Hall and the consumption of the same are strictly prohibited. Violation of the rules may lead to expulsion from the Hall.

16. Safe Deposit:

Students are advised not to keep valuable articles or large sums of cash in the room. Money may be kept in deposit with the Indian Bank inside the campus.

17. Each resident should vacate the Hall within 24 hours of his last end-of-semester examination or whenever he or she is required to do so during holidays or vacation. 


These rules have been drawn up in the interest of the members themselves. Any student who feels that he cannot undertake to respect them in letter and in spirit ought not to seek admission to the College.