Bc/MBc/DNc Scholarship 2024-2025
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SC/ST Scholarship 2024-2025
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Our College has been ranked 54 among colleges in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF 2024) released by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
Most Memorable Moment

Received President Award as the Principal for Best College in the year 2017.

(+91) 98941‐14455
“Morning Side”, Principal’s Quarters,
   The American College Campus,
   Madurai‐625 002.

Dr. M. Davamani Christober

Associate Professor

The American College has achieved the following credentials since 2011. The year I assumed the office of the Principal & Secretary of the American College.

Academic Proficiency / Credentials

  • Earned Second Doctoral degree in Mathematics from Madurai Kamaraj University, with title “Studies on Bitopological view of some new properties” in May 2017.
  • Earned Doctoral degree in “Education and Mathematics“at Alagappa University, Karaikudi with the title “Concept mapping on Mathematical Education through CAI” in 2007.
  • Completed Master of Education at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai in 1996.
  • Completed Bachelor of Education at Annamalai University, Chithambaram in 1992.
  • Completed Master of Philosophy in Mathematics at St. Joseph’s College, Trichy affiliated to Bharathithasan University with 67.83 percentage in January 1990
  • Completed Post B.Sc Diploma in Computer Science and its Applications at Madura College, Madurai in 1990
  • Completed M.Sc., Mathematics at Thiagarajar College, Madurai with 67.93 percentage in 1988
  • Completed B.Sc., Mathematics at M.S.S.Wakf Board College affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University under Madurai Kamaraj University in the year1986

Teaching Profile

Designation Institutions Period

Department of Mathematics,

The American College, Madurai

1990 – 1992
  Head (In‐Charge)

Department of Computer Science,

SVN College, Madurai

1992 – 1995
  Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics,

The American College, Madurai

17.07.1995 to 03.01.2009
  Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics,

The American College, Madurai

04.01.2009 to till date.




The American College, Madurai


01.06.2006 to 27.10.2011


  Principal & Secretary


The American College, Madurai


28.10.2011 to till date.


Title of the Book Publisher Year ISBN Number
Concepts of Data Science using R KanthagaPookkalpathippagam, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu 2021 978-93-80368-41-2
Applications of IT Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 2020 978-93-90291-11-3
“Computers for Nursing”- Text book for Dr. M.G.R. Medical University for the students of 2nd year B.Sc Nursing CSI Jeyaraj Annapackiam College of Nursing, Madurai 2011
“Concept mapping on Mathematics Education through CAI” JGR Publications, Madurai 2010 978-81-928661-3-0




Innovation Patent from Australian Government (Patent number: 2021103381).


Research Activities

Ph. D awarded                                    :           01

Ph.D. Scholars (pursuing)                   :           05       

M.Phil. Scholars guided                      :           13                   

Doctoral committee member                        :           02


Papers published in Journals/ Conferences














Papers Published in International / National Journals


  1. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and J. LOYALA FORESITH SPENCER, “THE RUDIMENTS OF SUPRA N-TOPOLOGY”, Design Engineering, Vol. 2021, Issue. 7, (2021), 4033- 4041, ISSN: 0011-9342. SCOPUS
  2. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER andA. ANTONY GEORGE,A NEW CLASS OF STRONG FORM USING SUPRA N-TOPOLOGY”, Design Engineering, Vol. 2021, Issue. 7, (2021), 4033- 4041, ISSN: 0011-9342. SCOPUS
  3. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and A. VINITHMALA, “Some Strong forms of Continuous Functions in Nano Topology”, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, Vol.9. No.7, (2020), 4495–4503, ISSN: 1857-8365. SCOPUS
  4. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and D. ANANDHA SELVAM, “Very Excellent Dominating weakly connected set Dominating Sets”, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, Vol 9. No.12, (2020), 11141–11146, ISSN: 1857-8365. SCOPUS
  5. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and S. SAHANA, “A Note on soft orders sets in Topological Spaces”, International Journals of Computer Science, Vol.8, Issue 2, No 1, (2020), 2453-2458. ISSN: 2348-6600.
  6. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and A. VINITHMALA, “A Novel Concept of Generalized Closed sets through Nano Topology”, Infokara Research Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 1, (2020), 838 – 846. ISSN NO: 1021-9056.
  7. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and D. ANANDHA SELVAM, “Dominating weakly connected set dominating bridge independent graphs”, Malaya Journal of Mathematic, Vol. S, No. 1, (2019), 4-6.
  8. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and S. SAHANA, “On New Structure of Extended N- Topology”, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Vol. 6, Issue 1, (2019), 1469 – 1474. ISSN: 1076-5131
  9. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and NITHYA, “On – closed sets in Nano topology”,Mathematical Sciences International Research journal, Vol. 7, issue 2, (2018), 401-405. ISSN No: 2278-8697.
  10. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER, “Remarks on Nano Irresolute functions”,Root: Emerging Trends in Multidisciplinary research, Vol.4, Spl,1, (2017), 437-441, (UGC Listed Journal No. 48991), ISSN: 2349-8684
  11. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER, M. LELLIS THIVAGAR, V. RAMESH and M. AROCKIA DASAN, “New Sort of Separation Axioms in Extended Bitopology”, “Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Vol.28 (2) A, (2016), 128-134. (UGC Listed Journal No. 44588), ISSN No: 2319-8044
  12. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER, M. LELLIS THIVAGAR, V. RAMESH and M. AROCKIA DASAN,“Baire Spaces Via Weak form of Open Sets in Bitopology, “Mathematical Science – International Research Journal, Vol.5, No.1, (2016), 78-80. (UGC Listed Journal No. 43832), ISBN No: 978-93-84124-61-8
  13. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and A. DAVID CHRISTOBER, “Estimates of five restricted partition functions that are quasi polynomials”, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.5, No.1, (2015), 1-11. ISSN 1664-3607. SPRINGER
  14. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and A. DAVID CHRISTOBER,“On Asymptotic formula of the partition function (n)”, Integers, Vol.15, #A2, (2015), 1-5, SCOPUS
  15. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER, M. LELLIS THIVAGAR, G. JAYA PARTHASARATHY and M. AROCKIA DASAN, “Weak form of Separation Axioms in Extended Bitopological Spaces”, “Mathematical Science – International Research Journal, Vol.4, (2015), 1-7. (UGC Journal No. 43832), ISBN No: 978-93-84124-40-3
  16. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER, M. LELLIS THIVAGAR, V. RAMESH, “Extended Bitopological Spaces Via New Operators”, “Mathematical Science – International Research Journal”, Vol.3(2) (2014) 710-713, ISBN No: 978-93-84124-14-4
  17. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER, M. LELLIS THIVAGAR, V. RAMESH and M. AROCKIA DASAN, “New Separation Axioms in Extended Bitopological Spaces”, Mathematical Science -International Research Journal, Vol.3 (2014), 941-950. ISBN No: 978-93-84124-16-8
  18. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and D. ANANDHA SELVAM, “A Study on Just Excellent and Very Excellent Weakly Connected Set Domination”, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 2, (2014),800 – 802. ISSN: 2278-8697.
  19. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER, D. ANANDHA SELVAM and EMMANUEL JEBARAJAN, “Studies in Set Domination and Weakly Connected Set Domination”, Enrich Vol.4(2), (2013), 73-81.
  20. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and D. ANANDHA SELVAM, “Excellent and Just Excellent Weakly Connected Set Domination”, New Frontiers in Education, Vol. 46, Number IV (2013), October-December, ISSN 0972- 1231.
  21. DAVAMANI CHRISTOBER and A. DAVID CHRISTOBER, “Relatively Prime Uniform Partitions”, General Mathematics Notes, Vol. 13, No. 2, (2012), 1-12. ISSN 2219-7184.

Conference Proceedings

  1. New Approach to N-Topology via Weak Form of Generalized Closed Sets, Proceedings of the 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 to 22 December 2020, Page No: 34, ISBN No: 978-81-947154-1-2.
  2. Severity of Pneumonia from Colored X-Ray Images, Proceedings of the 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 to 22 December 2020, Page No: 43, ISBN No: 978-81-947154-1-2.
  3. A note on Generalized rough sets induced by Bitopological structure, Proceedings of the 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 to 22 December 2020, Page No: 76, ISBN No: 978-81-947154-1-2.
  4. A New Notion of Mappings in Nano Topology, Proceedings of the 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 to 22 December 2020, Page No: 86, ISBN No: 978-81-947154-1-2.
  5. Differential Topology on Manifolds with Boundary, Proceedings of the 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 to 22 December 2020, Page No: 87, ISBN No: 978-81-947154-1-2.
  6. Weakly Connected Point Set Domination in Graphs, Proceedings of the 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 to 22 December 2020, Page No: 104, ISBN No: 978-81-947154-1-2.
  7. Critical Class of Dominating Weakly Connected Point Set Dominating Graphs, Proceedings of the 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 to 22 December 2020, Page No: 105, ISBN No: 978-81-947154-1-2.
  8. Door Spaces on N-Topology, Proceedings of the 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 to 22 December 2020, Page No: 112, ISBN No: 978-81-947154-1-2.
  9. A New Class of Connectedness In N-Topology, Proceedings of the 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 to 22 December 2020, Page No: 113, ISBN No: 978-81-947154-1-2.
  10. A Note on soft order sets in Topological Spaces, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Algebra and Discrete Mathematics held during 24 to 26June, 2020, Department of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Page No: 79, ISBN 978-81-944843-2-5.
  11. Submersion in Differential Topology, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Algebra and Discrete Mathematics held during 24 to 26June, 2020, Department of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Page No: 81, ISBN 978-81-944843-2-5.
  12. Some Strong Forms of Continuous Functions in Nano Topology, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Algebra and Discrete Mathematics held during 24 to 26June, 2020, Department of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Page No: 82, ISBN 978-81-944843-2-5.
  13. On Nano Topological Model Induced by New Class of Generalized Closed sets, Proceedings on 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences, Belgorod State University, Belgorod, RUSSIA, (2019), Page No: 104
  14. Note on Nano Generalized Closed Sets, National conference on Modern Mathematics & its Applications, 22& 23 January 2018, at The American College, Madurai.
  15. An analytical study of irresolute functions via   -closed sets, Proceedings of the International Conference on 51st Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, USA, (2017), Page No: 23
  16. New Sort of Extended Bitopological Ideal Spaces, Proceedings of the 31st Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, University of Leicester, Leicester, England, (2016), Page No: 21.
  17. Note on Local Functions in Ideal Extended Bitopological Spaces, Proceedings of International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Thailand (2016), Page No: 14. ISBN No: 978-93-84124-75-5.
  18. Baire Spaces Via Weak form of Open Sets in Bitopology, Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics, Physics and Allied Sciences, Goa (2016), Page No: 35, ISBN No: 978-93-84124-60-1.


  1. Note on Extended Bitopological Ultra -spaces, Proceedings of the International Conference on Topology, Messina University, Messina, Italy, (2015), Page No: 1
  2. New Separation Axioms in Extended Bitopological Spaces, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Thailand (2014), Page No: 6, ISBN No: 978-93-84124-15-1.
  3. Extended Bitopological Spaces Via New Operators, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (2014), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Page No: 35, ISBN No: 978-93-84124-13-7.
  4. A Study on just excellent and vary excellent weakly,Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (2014), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Page No: 39, ISBN No: 978-93-84124-13-7.
  5. On Number of Restricted partitions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (2014), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Page No: 44, ISBN No: 978-93-84124-13-7.
  6. Women Empowerment on Nation Building, National conference on Inspiring Higher Education Institutions for Nation Building Opportunities and Challenges held at Christ University Bangalore, from 1 to 3 May 2013.
  7. National Conference on Recent Development in Graph Structures, held at MannarThirumalai Naicker College, Madurai during 16 & 17 March 2012.
  8. National Seminar on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications held at MES College, Nedumkandam, during 6 to 8February 2012.

Papers Presented in ABROAD


  1. Presented a paper entitled on“On Nano Topological Model Induced by New Class of Generalized Closed sets”, in an 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences (ICMMAS’19)” held at Belgorod State University, Belgorod, RUSSIA from 20.08.2019 to 24.08.2019.
  2. Presented a paper entitled on“An analytical study of irresolute functions via   -closed sets”, in an International Conference on 51st Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems held at New Jersey City University, Jersey City, USA from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
  3. Presented a paper entitled on “Remarks on Nano Irresolute Functions”, in an International Conference on Emerging Trends in Multidisciplinary Research held at Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Center, SINGAPORE from 27.12.2017 to 29.12.2017.
  4. Presented a paper entitled on “New Sort of Extended Bitopological Ideal Spaces”, in an International Conference on Topology and its Applications held at University of Leicester, Leicester, ENGLAND from 02.08.2016 to 05.08.2016.
  5. Presented a paper entitled on “Note on Local Functions in Ideal Extended Bitopological Spaces”,in an International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, held at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, THAILAND from 26.09.2016 to 30.09.2016.
  6. Presented a paper entitled on “Note on Extended Bitopological Ultra -Spaces”, in an International Conference on Topology (ICTM 2015) held at University of Messina, Messina, ITALY from 07.09.2015 to 11.09.2015
  7. Presented a paper entitled on “New Separation Axioms in Extended Bitopological Spaces” in an International Conference on Mathematical Sciences held at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, THAILAND from 15.09.2014 to 19.09.2014.

Editor of Book / Research Journal

  1. Editor in the Editorial Board of Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science from June 2019 to May 2020.
  2. Editor in the Editorial Board of Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science from June 2020 to May 2021.
  3. Associate Editor in the Editorial Panel of ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research from June 2015 to May 2016.
  4. Associate Editor in the Editorial Panel of ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research from June 2016 to May 2017.
  5. Associate Editor in the Editorial Panel of ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research from June 2017 to May 2018.
  6. Associate Editor in the Editorial Panel of ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research from June 2018 to May 2019.
  7. Associate Editor in the Editorial Panel of ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research from June 2019 to May 2020.
  8. Associate Editor in the Editorial Panel of ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research from June 2020 to May 2021.
  9. Editor in 22nd FAI International Conference on Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020 held from 20 December to 22 December 2020.
  10. Editor in Chief in the National Conference on Modern Mathematics & its Applications, organized by Research Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, during 22nd& 23rd January 2018.
  11. Editor in Social Sciences International Research Journal, Vol 1 Issue 1, 2015.
  12. Editor in International Conference on Women and Power: Challenges and Opportunities, The American College, Madurai.
  13. Editor in Digitization of Library Enhancing Reading Culture, The American College, Madurai.

Chairperson / Invited Talk

  1. Chaired a Session, International Conference on Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics – 2018 held at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai on 07.09.2018.
  2. Chaired a Session, International Conference on Algebra and Discrete Mathematics – ICADM – 2018, held at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai from 08.01.2018 to 10.01.2018.
  3. Chaired a Session, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences held at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand on 16.09.2014
  4. Delivered an Invited talk on “Mathematics in Tamil Language” held at Singapore Tamil Teacher’s Union, Singapore on 24.02.2012.


  1. RUSSIA Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia (2019)
  2. USA             New Jersey City University, Jersey City, USA (2017)
  3. SINGAPORE Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Center, Singapore (2017 & 2014)
  4. ENGLAND University of Leicester, Leicester, England (2016)
  5. THAILAND Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand (2016 & 2014)
  6. ITALY             University of Messina, Messina, Italy (2015)
  7. USA             Virginia (2015)
  8. MALAYSIA Melacca, Malaysia (2014)
  9. CHINA Hong Kong, China (2013)
  10. USA  Oberlin College, Oberlin, USA (2003)
  11. CANADA Clair College, Windsor, Canada.
Positions held @ The American College

Staff Advisor & President      :           SCM, The American College.

President/Teacher Guide      :           Rotaract Club of the American College.

President                                      :           ANALGEOCA, Association of Department of

                                                                       Mathematics (2004‐2005)

Warden                                          :           ZUMBRO Hostel, The American College

                                                                      (01.6.2005 – 02.6.2006)

Bursar                                            :           Ex‐Officio member,

                                                                       Governing Council of the American College

                                                                       (3.6.2006 to 27.10.2011)

Principal                                        :           Ex‐Officio member & Secretary (since 2011)

Positions held (Other than American College)

President : All India Association for Christian Higher Education
Executive Member : 1. Colleges &Universities of Anglican Commission (CUAC), New York, USA
    2. All India Association for Christian Higher Education
Governing Board Member : 1. Sourashtra College for women, Madurai
    2. S.V.N College, Madurai
Academic Council Member : M. K. University nominee,
    S.V.N. College, 
Board of Studies member : 1. Yadava College, Madurai
    2. Sri Kaleeswari College, Sivakasi
    3. Lady Doak College, Madurai
Vice President : Principal’s Association, M. K. University Zone
Executive Member Colleges & Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC), NewYork, USA
Joint Secretary : Private College Management Association, M. K. University Zone
Research Guide : 1. Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
    2. Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Research Board member : ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Tirunelveli
Life Member : 1. Indian Criminology Society
    2. FATER Academy of India
District Organiser : Youth Red Cross
    Department of Youth Welfare,Madurai Kamaraj University,Palkalai Nagar, Madurai 625 021.
Member : Higher Educational Committee,Church of South India, Madurai Ramnad Diocese

Achievements @ The American College

The American College has achieved the following credentials since 2011.  The year I assumed the office of the Principal & Secretary of the American College.

  1. NAAC – 2015

The College is reaccredited (2nd Cycle) by NAAC with Grade “A” CGPA – 3.46 on a 4-point scale in 2015.

  1. NAAC – 2022

The College is reaccredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with Grade “A+” CGPA – 3.47 on a 4-point scale.

  1. Academic Achievements
  2. 11 of courses in the Self-financing stream in order to later to the demands of students.
  3. Functionalising the Satellite Campus near Chathirapatti from the academic year 2015. The College moved from Pasumalai to the Present Campus in 1909 and in 2015 to the Satellite Campus to later the needs of our brethren in the outskirts of Madurai,
  • Thus, the legacy continues. Number of student’s strength has threefold increased from 2850 – 7000.
  1. Human Infrastructure

Appointed 73 teachers in the ratio of 20:1 both in aided and Self-financing streams.

  1. Physical Infrastructure

An examination hall and Women’s Hall annexure (UGC-funded) have been completed. A Gym, an Indoor Stadium (UGC-funded) a three storied building (Saunder’s hall) for self-financed courses & a women’s lounge, and rest-rooms for both Boys & Girls are in progress.

New Men’s Hall with the name Telfer Mook Hall was constructed with the help of Board of Trustees of the Endowment of the American College.

  1. Campus Green

The Campus has been beautifully landscaped and aesthetically roads have been paver blocks laid wing. 

  1. Solar Power Plant

First Arts & Science College in Tamilnadu installed 100Kw on-grid solar power plant that reduces 68.98 tonnes of CO2 emission per year.

  1. Established Solar power plant in Satellite campus Hostel and street lights.
  2. More than 800 students benefitted through Free Noon Lunch scheme for needy students.
  3. Earn while Learn programme launched in our college and fifty students are earning while learning, every year.

Achievements & Awards

  1. Received President Award as the Principal for Best College in the year 2017 from President of India Honourable Shri Ram Nath Kovid
  2. Received Bharat Ratna Indra Gandhi Gold Medal Award for Individual Achievements & National Development on 29 August 2020.
  3. Best Principal Award by PEARL Foundation Educational Excellence to Higher Education in India 2016.
  4. Received Best Principal Award from AIACHE in the year 2018, Christ University Bengaluru.
  5. Received Life time Achievement Award organized by Science Father on 18 April 2020.
  6. Received Excellence in ROOTS Editor Award in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches on 03 August 2020.

“My vision of high academic standard, blended with Social Consciousness and Spiritual Mission is sure to take the American College to greater heights dreamt of by its Missionaries.”