0452-2530070 0452-2530070
Campus Trees

Pterocarpus indicus


Family:  Fabaceae

Common name: ,Angsana, Sena, Burmese Rosewood

Flowering period: February to May


  • Pterocarpusindicus is a large evergreen to deciduous tree with a large, spreading crown of many long branches that are at first ascending, but eventually arch over and sometimes droop at the ends
  • It usually grows 15 – 20 metres tall, but exceptionally can be up to 40 metres.
  • It has a short, clear bole that can be 2 metres in diameter but is usually of poor form – twisted and deeply fluted, often with pronounced buttresses.
  • The tree produces sweet-scented yellow flowers that are produced copiously in panicles and racemes.


  • Timber & Products (The wood is used for panelling, cabinetry, cartwheels, carving, construction, furniture, canoe, and musical instruments.
  • Fresh and dry sawdust may produce an aromatic scent and may cause nose or throat irritation.)
  • The mature leaves are used as shampoo.
  • The flowers and young leaves are reportedly edible.