0452-2530070 0452-2530070
Campus Trees

Pterocarpus marsupium


Family:  Fabaceae

Common Names: Accamai, Accanapann, Bastard teak, Indian kino tree, கினோ.

Flowering Period: September-October


  • Indian Kino Tree is a deciduous tree, up to 30 m tall, bark 10-15 mm, surface grey or greyish-black, rough, deeply vertically cracked, exfoliations small, irregular, fibrous; blaze pink; exudation blood-red.
  • Leaves are compound, alternate; stipules small, lateral, falling off; axis 6.5-11.1 cm long, slender, hairless.
  • Leaflets are 5-7, alternate, estipulate; leaflet-stalk 6-10 mm, slender, hairless; blade 2-7 cm, elliptic-oblong, oblong-ovate or oblong, base blunt or pointed, tip blunt and notched.
  • Flowers are bisexual, yellow, at branch-ends and in leaf-axils, borne in panicles; 1.0-1.2 cm
  • Fruit is a pod, 2.5-5 cm across, round-kidney-shaped, broadly winged: seed one, somewhat kidney-shaped.


  • Resin is used in the treatment of chronic diarrhoea and the irritation caused by gastric infection and colitis.
  • It is commonly used in cases of toothache and also as a douche to treat vaginal discharge.
  • The bark is used, either as a powder or in decoction, in the treatment of diarrhoea.
  • A good quality wood, it is used for various purposes.