Bc/MBc/DNc Scholarship 2024-2025
FORM fresh
FORM Renewal

SC/ST Scholarship 2024-2025
FORM fresh
FORM Renewal
Our College has been ranked 54 among colleges in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF 2024) released by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070

Biotechnology – VISION & MISSION


The mandate of the course is to create responsible, wholesome individuals with thorough knowledge of the workings of biotechnology as a tool to manipulate the biological world in service of human beings and the world at large.


  • To illuminate the students to understand the concepts of the various disciplines required for academic excellence and research in biotechnology.
  • To give deeper knowledge of the role of biotechnology in the transformation of human health,disease,therapeutics,agriculture and environment.
  • To train them in state-of-the-art techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 and in silico molecular modelling and enable them to develop revolutionary products, processes and patents.
  • To create opportunities for placement in leading industries through internship and MoUs.
  • To enable them to take it as business model to find solutions for various human needs while being rooted in essence of ethical and environmental awareness. 

Department Contact Info

Biological Science – BioTechnology

Madurai – 625002,
Tamilnadu India.

0452 – 2530070,0452 – 2520711

0452 – 2530967   – (Ext) 363


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources