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acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
Campus Trees

Cassia siamea


Family:  Casuarinaceae

Common Names: Chelumalarkkonrai, Ironwood tree, Siamese senna, Siamese Cassia

Flowering Period: October – March







  • Siamese Cassia is a small to medium sized tree, up to 15-20 m tall, with a short bole and low branching high crown.
  • Leaves pinnate, alternate, rachis 25-30 cm long, with a marked furrow, 8-13 pairs of leaflets of different size. Leaflets oblong, rounded at the base and at the apex, slightly retuse.
  • Propagation by seeds, stumps and nursery-grown seedlings.


  • The young fruits and leaves are edible.
  • The tree is grown to provide shade along roads and in cocoa, coffee and tea plantations.
  • All parts of the plant can be used for tanning. The wood has also been used for poles, posts, bridges, mine poles and beams. Its charcoal is also of excellent quality.