Indian Ash Tree is a deciduous tree, growing up to 14 m tall. Branchlets are minutely covered with starry hairs.
Alternately arranged leaves are pinnate, with a single terminal leaflet (pinnae) at the end. The spine carrying the leaflets is up to 7 cm long.
Leaflets are usually 5, each lateral opposite, ovate, base rounded, densely velvet-hairy when young.
Flowers are unisexual, greenish, the male in compound and female in simple racemes.
Fruit is ovoid, compressed, in panicles, at the end of leafless branches.
Young leaves and sprouts – raw or cooked.
The gum obtained from the trunk is often used in confectionery.
The powdered bark is used as a flavouring. The bark and the leaves are used as medicine. The bark contains tannins. It is used for the impregnation of fishnets.
The wood is moderately hard, close-grained. It is used for spear shafts, scabbards, wheel-spokes, oil presses, grain pounders etc.