Manilkarazapotaasmall, evergreen tree having a crown of branches with milky latex in young parts.
Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, smooth shining, dark green above and pale beneath arranged almost in whorl manner at the apex of branches.
Flowers pale yellow, clustered at the apex of branches.
Fruit a berry, globose, rusty and sweet scented when ripe.
Fruits are edible.
Young fruits. high tannin content, boiled and decotion drunk to treat diarhhea. Seed paste applied to bite and sting wounds due to poisonous animals.
Young leaf shoots washed to remove sap and eaten raw or with rice in Indonesia. Gummy latex used in tropics to fill dental cavities or make figurines.
Wood strong and durable, used to make beams and furniture. Gummy latex tapped from trunk during rainy season (latex flows better) for making chewing gum and adhesives.