Common Names: Bead tree, Indian Lilac, Persian lilac, Pride of India
Flowering Period: May-December
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A large evergreen tree native to India, growing wild in the sub-Himalayan region. The bark is reddish brown, becoming fissured on mature trees.
The deciduous leaves are bipinnate (twice feather-like) and 1-2 ft long.
The individual leaflets, each about 2 in long and less than half as wide, are pointed at the tips and have toothed edges.
In spring and early summer, Persian lilac produces masses of purplish, fragrant, star shaped flowers, each about 3/4 in in diameter, that arch or droop in 8 in panicles.
All parts of Persian lilac tree are poisonous. Eating as few as 6 berries can result in death. Birds that eat too many seeds have been known to become paralyzed.
Bark and fruit extract is used to kill parasitic roundworms.
Leaves edible. A bitter flavour, they are used as a potherb, in curries, soups etc. In Manipur, leaves and flowers are used as poultice in nervous headache.
Leaves, bark and fruit are insect repellent.
Seed-oil is used in rheumatism.
The seed contains up to 40% of a drying oil. It is used for lighting, varnish etc.