0452-2530070 0452-2530070
Campus Trees

Melia azedarach


Family:  Meliaceae

Common Names:  Bead tree, Indian Lilac, Persian lilac, Pride of India

Flowering Period: May-December


  • A large evergreen tree native to India, growing wild in the sub-Himalayan region. The bark is reddish brown, becoming fissured on mature trees.
  • The deciduous leaves are bipinnate (twice feather-like) and 1-2 ft long.
  • The individual leaflets, each about 2 in long and less than half as wide, are pointed at the tips and have toothed edges.
  • In spring and early summer, Persian lilac produces masses of purplish, fragrant, star shaped flowers, each about 3/4 in in diameter, that arch or droop in 8 in panicles.
  • All parts of Persian lilac tree are poisonous. Eating as few as 6 berries can result in death. Birds that eat too many seeds have been known to become paralyzed.


  • Bark and fruit extract is used to kill parasitic roundworms.
  • Leaves edible. A bitter flavour, they are used as a potherb, in curries, soups etc. In Manipur, leaves and flowers are used as poultice in nervous headache.
  • Leaves, bark and fruit are insect repellent.
  • Seed-oil is used in rheumatism.
  • The seed contains up to 40% of a drying oil. It is used for lighting, varnish etc.