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acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
Campus Trees

Pithacellobium dulce


Family:  Mimosaceae

Common Names: Kodakapuli, Korukkapuli, Blackbead, Madras thorn, Manila tamarind.

Flowering Period: November – March


  • Madras Thorn is a large, nearly evergreen tree that grows up to 20 m or more in height, Madras Thorn has a broad crown, up to 30 m across, and a short trunk, up to 1 m thick.
  • At the base of each leaf is normally found a pair of short, sharp spines, though some specimens are spineless.
  • Leaves are deciduous but foliage is persistent, as the new leaves appear while the old ones are being shed, so that the tree looks like an evergreen.
  • Flowers are borne in small spherical glomerulus of about 1 cm in diameter, forming short axillary panicles of 5-30 cm in length.
  • Flowers are white greenish slightly fragrant 1.0-1.5 mm in diameter, with a hairy corolla, 50 thin stamina, connate in a tube at their basis, surrounded by the green calyx.


  • Fruits are edible. The white fleshy aril is edible and sweet and seed can be used for animal feed.
  • Boiled leaves can be eaten with salt to help indigestion, but excessive consumption may induce abortion.
  • Bark produces gum which is used for tanning and dyeing fish nets. Bark can be grounded into powder and applied on skin to treat scorpion sting.