Our College has been ranked 58 among colleges in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF 2023) released by the Ministry of HRD , Government of India.

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acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
Campus Trees

Roystonia regia

Family:  Arecaceae

Common Names: Bottle palm, Royal palm

Flowering Period: Throughout the year


  • Royal Palm is a truly aristocratic palm which makes a memorable impression wherever it is grown.
  • Eight-inch-long leaflets are arranged in rows along the 10′ length of bright green pinnate leaves. Composed of 15 – 20 leaves, the canopy sits atop the crown shaft – a smooth, glossy extension of the trunk composed of the overlapping bases of the leaves.
  • The crown shaft looks really smooth green. The trunk of the Royal Palm is swollen at the base.
  • Royal palm produce a large 3′ to 4′ inflorescence on which both male and female flowers are borne, just at the base of the green crown shaft. Royal palm is native to Cuba.


  • Ornamental plant
  • Fruits used as feed for livestock.
  • Trunks and leaves used in construction of simple houses.
  • Wood used to make handicrafts.