Bc/MBc/DNc Scholarship 2024-2025
FORM fresh
FORM Renewal

SC/ST Scholarship 2024-2025
FORM fresh
FORM Renewal
Our College has been ranked 54 among colleges in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF 2024) released by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
UG & PG Program



Networking Facility – The departments has one file server and 18 nodes of IBM machines.

Microwave Test Bench –  The department has a microwave test facility to aid the study of Dielectric Properties of materials  antenna and front end communication hardware.

Photo multiplier setup –  A Photo Multiplier with high voltage source and nano ammeter is used for photon counting studies in thermo luminance and Raman scattering.

Crystal Growth Setup –  A furnace for crystal growth from melt and a constant temperature bath to grow crystals from solution and required accessories are available. This facility is used to make crystals.

Optic Table –  A He-Ne laser and optics table facility is available. This facility is used for holography, synthetic aperture study  and air pollution estimation. 

Thin Film Vacuum Coating Unit –  A high vacuum system with sputtering facility and Accessories are available. This facility is  used to make thin films of metal and semiconductors to investigate the possibilities of making solar cells. 

High Speed IEEE systems-  The new IEEE 488 data acquisition system is a recent addition to department. This facility is  used for the study of conducting properties Thin films of item 6 and instrumentation. 

X – Ray Diffractometer-  An X-ray diffractometer obtained from IISC Bangalore is available for Crystal studies.

Digital Storage Oscilloscope-  A 150 MHz digital storage with IEE 488 and Printer interface is available for transient  recording and printout. 

LCD Projector-  The facility is used for classroom work such as computer language study, seminars etc.

Digital library-  e-Books are stored in Hard Disk and available for reference.

Nuclear Counter setup –  The facility is used for identification of radioactive waste discarded by research labs and other  sources of radioactivity so as to create an awareness among students and public. 

Scanning Electron Microscope-  This facility is received as a gift from an alumnus, Joenathan of Rose-Hulman Institute,  USA.Used to visualize and characterize thin films and biological samples

Department Contact Info

Physical Science – Physics

Madurai – 625002,
Tamilnadu India.

0452 – 2530070,0452 – 2520711

0452 – 2530967   – (Ext) 242,286,241,216




Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources