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NCC as a subject of study:

NCC (ARMY) offers two courses as Non-Major Elective subject(NCA 1211-NCC Organization and Military Leadership and NCA 1212-NCCField Craft & Battle Craft) in the II and III Semesters respectively under PartIV program. Students who enroll in N.C.C. ARMY are eligible to study thiscourse. The training programme prepared by the N.C.C. Directorate is taken asthe basis for syllabus. The syllabus includes Army subjects such as Drill,Weapon Training, Field craft & Battle Craft, Map Reading, Arms Drill. It also includes lectures on Leadership. Training methods are National Integration and Awareness, Health, Hygiene and First – Aid, Historical,geographical and religious background of India, Civil Defence, EnvironmentalAwareness, Adventure Activities, Social Services.Under Part V, Three Field Training courses such as NCA 1100 – NCCArmy Field Training I and NCA 2100– NCC Army Field Training II,2100– NCC Army Field Training III conducted in the I and II,III year of study. In the Final year, Cadets attend paradetraining to become eligible for NCC “C” Certificate Examinations.

Training methods

The training methods are divided into two categories as follows:

Institutional training

Under the Institutional training cadets are trained on various areas of study in NCC such as drill, weapon training, Field craft, Battle craft,Obstacle training and all service subjects during the parade period whichamount to 40 parades in a year. Moreover, cadets gain knowledge in training activities like small range firing, boat pulling, boat sailing, semaphore training, Morse code communication, map reading, and ambush. Importance is given to impart knowledge on national integration, religions and customs of India, hygiene and sanitation, first aid and constitution of India. The cadets also get an experience of adventure training like swimming, cycle expedition, rock climbing, mountaineering etc. The cadets involve themselves in social service activities like blood donation, tree plantation, AIDS awareness program, Cancer awareness program, area cleaning, anti tobacco drive anti polythene drive, anti smoking drive etc.The Alumni cadets are also invited to share their past experience and their present occupation in various fields including the Armed forces and this enables cadets realizing their dream come true.

Under the Instuitional training cadets are studying in NCC such as drill, and other Air Force training Air Wing Activities

NCN1211 – NCC ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP                                 3hrs/2 credits

This course offers knowledge on the practice of Indian Navy and the Naval system as a whole.  It gives enough knowledge on various customs, practices, ships, weapons and tactics used in Navy around the world.  It also specifies on various outcome of the warfare techniques followed in India and abroad. This course will highlight the achievements of India Navy in the operations held in the past.

At the end of the course students are able to

CO1:  familiarize the structure and the organization of Indian Navy. 

CO2:  elucidate the benefit of undergoing NCC(NAVY) training and the opportunities hence forth.

CO3: explain the mechanism of Human body and the way to safeguard it

CO4: discuss on the importance of national integration

CO5: categorize various environmental polluting issues and to solve it

Unit I              NCC ORGANISATION                                                                 

Aims and objectives of NCC – Cardinal points of NCC – Organization of defense forces in general- organizational structure of Indian Army- Organizational structure of NCC- NCC song- Incentives of NCC- Ranks in Army, Air force and Navy – Certificate Examinations in NCC– Honors and Awards.

Unit II             HEALTH , HYGIENE AND FIRST – AID                                                         

 Aims of First Aid – Principle of First Aid – Motto of First Aid – List of items in First aid Box – Types of Bandages – Types of Fracture –Dislocation – Types of Wounds – Burns and Scalds – Sprain – Strain – Asphyxia – Drowning – Poison – Shock – Snake bite – Sun and Heat Stroke – Insect bite – Dog bite – Hanging – Artificial Respiration – Hemorrhage- Artificial respiration- carriage of sick and wounded

Structure and functioning of Human body- Hygiene and sanitation- Physical and mental health- Infectious and contagious diseases and its prevention- basics of home nursing and first aid in common medical emergencies- Introduction to Yoga and exercises

Unit III           NATIONAL INTEGRATION AND AWARENESS                  

Religions and culture- Traditions and customs in India- National integration: Importance and necessity- Freedom struggle- Nationalist movement in India- National interests- objectives- threats and opportunities- Problems and challenges of National integration- Unity and diversity- National integration council- Images and slogans for National integration- Contribution of youth in national building


Ecology and Environment – Biodiversity – Pollution – Environment Conservation – Personal Hygiene – Sanitation – Waste management- water conservation- Rain water conservation and harvesting- Pollution control and types of pollution- Communicable and Non communicable Disease – Methods of purification of drinking water.

Basics of social service- weaker sections in the society and its identification – NGOs and their role and contribution – social evils- Drug abuse- family planning- corruption- counter terrorism- Eradication of illiteracy – Aids Awareness programme – Cancer Awareness Programme


leadership traits – types of leadership – attitude: assertiveness and negotiation – time management – effects of leadership with historical examples – stress management skills – interview skills – conflict motives – resolution – importance of group/team work – influencing skills – body language – sociability: social skills – values/code of ethics – public speaking and other leadership exercises.

Case Studies: Leadership traits of

  1. Mahatma Gandhi
  2. Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. R. Ambedkar
  4. Kamaraj
  5. Sardar Vallabai Patel
  6. Adolf Hitler
  7. Martin Luther King Jr.
  8. Nelson Mandela, etc.



  1. Pamphlets issued by the Ministry of Defense.
  2. DG- NCC Training directive.

NCN1212 – NAVAL ORIENTATION AND SEAMANSHIP                              3hrs/2 credits

            This course offers the students to understand various departments of Indian Navy and their role.  It also enables the students to know the parallel activities of other armed forces. Naval warfare and the general practices of Indian Navy in defense is introduced along with the utilities of hardwares, knots and other elements of the warship. Navigation and the technologies used in navigation will be introduced to the students and also on the method of practicing it. Safety measures will also be introduced.

At the end of the course students are able to

CO1:  classify the role of various departments in Indian Navy. 

CO2:  discuss the types of warfare techniques used in Indian Navy.

CO3:  construct and classify various types of knots used in Navy

CO4: demonstrate the communication methods used in Navy

CO5: demonstrate the prevention methods in case of fire and safety issues.

Unit I              NAVAL ORIENTATION                                                              

History of Indian Navy- Organization of Navy- Navy head quarters- commands- Fleets- ships and shore establishments- types of warships and their role- Organization of ships and instruction on onboard organization- Organization of Army-Air Force-Navy commands- Naval customs and traditions- Ranks of officers- sailors- equivalent ranks in three services- mode of entry- Branches of Navy and their functions

Unit II             NAVAL WARFARE AND ITS COMPONENTS                                   

Introduction to Anti submarine warfare and fleet operation- role of aviation- Naval aircrafts and helicopters- types of submarines and their role- ASW weapons and sensors- elementary knowledge of gunnery- missiles ant types of mounted guns- Parts of a torpedo- Organization of Ship- RAS- Types of warships.

Unit III             SEAMANSHIP

Types of ropes and breaking strength, Bends and hitches, knots and their kinds and uses.  Types of  cordages Introduction to shackles, hooks, blocks and derricks, coiling down and splicing of rope.

Types of anchor- Parts of anchor- Use of Blocks. Parts of Blocks- Parts of boat- parts of an oar- Instructions in boat pulling- pulling orders- precautions whaler pulling- whaler and enterprise class boat including theory of sailing elementary sailing rules- power boats and types- securing and towing boats

Unit IV           NAVIGATION                                                                                

Navigation of a ship- charts and compass- Map reading- Variation- Deviation- CADET rule- fixing the Ship’s position- knots and nautical mile definitions- latitude and longitude markings- types of maps and contours- Types of Compass- Gyro compass- True and magnetic north definitions- Meaning of Flags- GPS- RACON- RADAR- SONAR- Brief characteristics of tides and its effect on ships- causes of tides- tidal streams- clouds- types- formation of clouds and effects- introduction to astronomy- Oceanography, living and non living things in sea, Exclusive economic zone, Marine conservation.

Unit V             NBCD                                                                                                           

Types of fire- Triangle of fire- Types of fire fighting- water markings in the ship- NBCD organization and structure- Damage control- causes of damage- flooding


  • Pamphlets issued by the Ministry of Defense.
  • DG- NCC Training directive.



This course is offered to the students who have enrolled in NCC NAVY under Part V scheme in the first academic year.  The students will go through intensive field training and naval communication practices.

At the end of the course the student will be able to

CO1: know the method of marching in file and column formations

CO2: demonstrate the communication skills using semaphore and flags

Basics of Foot Drill:

General word of commands, Attention, stand at ease, turning left, right and inkling at halt. Sizing, forming three ranks and numbering, open and close march order, dressing the squad, Saluting at halt, getting on Parade, dismissing and falling out.

Naval communication:

Introduction to naval modern communication, purpose and principles, duties of various communications department, Semaphore, letters and prosigns, reading and transmission of messages, phonetic alphabets, radio telephony procedure, wearing of National flag, ensign and admirals flag.



This course is offered to the students who have enrolled in NCC NAVY under Part V scheme in the first academic year.  The students will go through intensive field training and naval communication practices.

At the end of the course the student will be able to

CO1: know the method of marching in file and column formations

CO2: demonstrate the communication skills using semaphore and flags

Basics of Foot Drill:

General word of commands, Attention, stand at ease, turning left, right and inkling at halt. Sizing, forming three ranks and numbering, open and close march order, dressing the squad, Saluting at halt, getting on Parade, dismissing and falling out.

Naval communication:

Introduction to naval modern communication, purpose and principles, duties of various communications department, Semaphore, letters and prosigns, reading and transmission of messages, phonetic alphabets, radio telephony procedure, wearing of National flag, ensign and admirals flag.


This course is offered to the students who have enrolled in NCC NAVY under Part V scheme in the second academic year.  The students will go through intensive field training and demonstrate the knots used in Navy.

At the end of the course the student will be able to

CO1: know the method of marching in file and column formations

CO2: demonstrate the knots used in Navy

CO3:  find the utility of various hardware used in Naval ships.

Foot Drill on Marching:

 Marching, length of pace and time in marching in quick time and halt, slow march and halt, side pace, pace forward and to the rear,  Turning on the march and wheeling, saluting on the march, Marching time, forward march and halt in quick march. Changing step, Formation of squad and squad drill.

Knots and Hitches:

Types of ropes and breaking strength, Bends and hitches, knots and their kinds and uses.  Types of cordages Introduction to shackles, hooks, blocks and derricks, coiling down and splicing of rope.


This course is offered to the students who have enrolled in NCC NAVY under Part V scheme in the third academic year.  The students will go through intensive ship modeling techniques and will familiarize on various adventure activities.

At the end of the course the student will be able to

CO1: demonstrate the building of a replica of Navy ship

CO2: find the utility of various adventure techniques for body and mind building

Ship modeling Techniques:

Principles of ship modeling, maintenance of tools, types of models, care and handling of models, repairing the models, chemicals paints and adhesives used in modeling, Stability of the model and its practice

Adventure training:

Adventure training tips, Para sailing and its principles, Slithering, Rock climbing, cycling and trekking and their impacts on physical health.