Bc/MBc/DNc Scholarship 2024-2025
FORM fresh
FORM Renewal

SC/ST Scholarship 2024-2025
FORM fresh
FORM Renewal
Our College has been ranked 54 among colleges in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF 2024) released by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070

Author’s Guide

  1. The articles being submitted shall focus on any one of the fours areas:
    English language teaching, literatures in English, cultural studies, and literary theories.
  2. Clarity, conciseness, and originality are expected.
  3. Articles should be in standard formal written English.
  4. Articles shall have the following structure: Title, Name of the author
    without academic degrees, abstract, keywords, introduction, research methodology (research questions, hypotheses, thesis statement, method of investigation) discussion, conclusion/summation, and reference/works cited.
  5. The article shall not exceed 6 pages on A4 size, Times New Roman, Font
    12 with 1.5 line spacing and the title can be in font 14.
  6. The entire article shall be 1.5 line-spaced and paragraphs should be
    indented from the left margin. Avoid “justifying” the pages.
  7. Add your academic-research profile in 30 words at the end of the article to be included under “Note on Contributors” section.
  8. The article should be in doc mode (save it in 1997-2003 option if your
    work on 2007 or later version)
  9. Any documentation style internationally accepted in the Humanities
    can be followed but consistently. However, the most preferred style sheets are MLA for literature and APA for language teaching.
  10. Send the soft copy of your article to jjohnsekar@gmail.com or

Review Process 

  1. All articles are double blind peer reviewed and the comments of the review committee shall be forwarded to the author for modification.
  2. The editor-in-chief shall make appropriate changes, if needed.
  3. Certificate of acceptance or publication shall not be issued at any cost.
  4. The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse or edit submissions.
  5. The approved version of the article is final for publication.

Criteria for Publication 

  1. Does the article make the original contribution to the fund of existing
    knowledge in the area?
  2. Does it appeal to the scholarly community and generate discussion for
    further research?
  3. Does it enable the future researchers to apply the insights and
    recommendations in their study?
  4. Is the article concise, clear, and original?
  5. Does it follow the international conventions in documentation and
    presentation of ideas?


  1. Submission of the article for consideration for publication in ACJELL
    implies that it has not been published or not under consideration for publication elsewhere.?
  2. When the article is accepted by the Editorial Board on the basis of the
    review committee and when the same is informed to the author, it is assumed that the author agrees to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher.

Fees and Charges 

  1. ACJELL does not receive any financial support from any funding agency.
    It depends upon the contributions made by the authors.
  2. AWhen it becomes absolutely necessary, the college administration
    extends a helping hand.
  3. Printing the journal and mailing it to contributors require finance. However,
    all academic service for promotion of the academic research journal is honorary.
  4. If any contributor is genuinely unable to pay the charges, the board makes the decision on concessions. We strongly believe that publication of an article in ACJELL should not be on the author’s ability to pay charges. At the same time, we do not publish an article just because the author is able to pay charges, either.


  1. Prospective authors need not contact the Editor since all that needs to be shared with them will be made available from time to time at website.
  2. Any correspondence with the members of the Editorial Board shall be strictly avoided.

Department Contact Info


Associate Professor
Head, PG & Research Department of English
Dean of International Exchange and Study Abroad & Head i/c, Department of English (SF)
The American College, Madurai

(+91) 0452-2530070, 2530973
Fax: (+91) 452-2520711
Mobile: +91 99946 22554

Email: acjell.cheifeditor@gmail.com/

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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