Bc/MBc/DNc Scholarship 2024-2025
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FORM Renewal

SC/ST Scholarship 2024-2025
FORM fresh
FORM Renewal
Our College has been ranked 54 among colleges in India in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF 2024) released by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
acmdu1881@americancollege.edu.in 0452-2530070
Books Program


General Services

The following general services are provided by the DPM Library 

LIBRARY AUTOMATION (RFID Integrated Automation)

KOHA is an open source Integrated Library System (ILS) maintained by and used by libraries. The college library is automated. Koha library management system has been installed with the following modules for the library in-house operation.

  • Circulation Module, Cataloguing module, Acquisition Module, Serial module
  • Multilingual Web OPAC, Patron Management, Reports, Authorities Control,Tool, FAQ
  • Security Gate (RFID Integrated)
  • RFID Integrated Kiosk (Automatic Issue/Renewal)
  • RFID Integrated Intelligent Shelf ( Automatic Return)

Library Automation

CDS/ISIS is a software package for generalised Information Storage and Retrieval systems developed, maintained and disseminated by UNESCO. It was first released in 1985 and since then over 20,000 licences has been issued by UNESCO and a worldwide network of distributors. It is particularly suited to bibliographical applications and is used for the catalogues of many small and medium-sized libraries. Versions have been produced in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish amongst other languages. UNESCO makes the software available free for non-commercial purposes, though distributors are allowed to charge for their expenses. CDS/ISIS is an acronym which stands for Computerised Documentation Service/ Integrated Set of Information Systems. In 2003 it was stated that “This package is accepted by libraries in the developing countries as standard software for information system development”.

On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

A library OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) has been developed using KOHA. OPAC is an online database of materials held by the library. In fact, OPAC is an interface between users and library’s collection.

The major possibilities of using KOHA- OPAC are

  • Keyword and advanced searching
  • Search filtering by location, item type, subjects and more
  • Availability and online resource links shown on search results
  • Ability to place, suspend and cancel holds
  • List of current and past checkouts
  • Account history (fines and payments)
  • Access to account information

OPAC :  HEURISHO (UNESCO) [A user-friendly search interface for micro CDS/ISIS Developed by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)]. OPAC is in the process for searching the book with respect to accession number, title, author and keyword.


Dewey decimal classification and Colon Classification are followed.

Reading Room service

In the reference section, students are informed about any career guidelines and other courses of study, competitive exams, any other program helpful to the student community etc. Question papers pertaining to the semester examinations conducted in our college are made available for the students to refer through in the reference section.

Photo copy services

Users can get photocopies of pages from a book or periodicals at nominal cost.

Document Delivery Service (DDS) through e-mail.

Users can use DDS facility for getting resources from rare collections or periodicals, which are available in the DPM Library. You may also contact Librarian or contact at dpmlibrary@gmail.com

Special services


To keep the library users informed about the latest additions and also college information, timely information through our e-group service (dpmlibrary@googlegroups.com)


To focus the attention of the student users on the avenues open to them to pursue higher studies beneficial jobs. Newspaper clipping service and list of jobs sources displayed.


To make the students honour the dignity of labor. We enroll students for this scheme. The students under this scheme would be engaged for library jobs such as cataloguing, arrangement and display of books, repair of damaged books, issue and return of books etc. Presently the libraries are under staff and due to this the proper utilization of library is not achieved by the students and the staff.


For doing the above jobs the students shall be paid @ 25/- per hour and students would be permitted to work for maximum forty five hours per week and this ceiling on working hour is stipulated that the jobs are not pursued at the cost of study. The student can thus earn maximum Rs. 2500/- per month while pursuing study in the College.

Scheme Implementation:

This Scheme started its journey from the year 1970. At this period of time financially poor students were benefited by 0.75 paise per hour as remuneration.


  • User Orientation is given to new students periodically.
  • Special training is provided on use of internet, INFLIBNET.
  • Library staff members are also provided orientation on the use of library facilities.


Library Timings

General Timings* 8 A.M to 8 P.M
Reading Room Section* 8 A.M to 8 P.M
Before & During Exams* 8 A.M to 8 P.M
Electronic Library Section* 10 A.M to 6.30 P.M
* Sundays and Holidays Closed

Rules and regulations

Library Borrowers Card:

American College photo ID is your Library borrower’s card. If you lose your American College ID, you should immediately inform the Librarian, in writing to avoid any misuse of your membership. However you will also have to inform the convener of the students’ services committee to obtain a new or a duplicate ID card.

Borrowing Facility:

In order to make materials accessible to all library users and to help people maintain control to their borrowing records, the library limits the total number of items charged out by all library users to 10 books at any given time. If you try to borrow beyond your limit you will be asked to return some items before charging any more. Loan Period of the borrowing books is 30 Days. Library users are permitted to renew books until there is a need for recall of the books. Overdue fines are Rs.2.00 per day; Borrowers who owe more than Rs.20.00 to the Daniel Poor Memorial Library must clear their fines before borrowing more books.

Book Lost:

When a checked out book is lost, one and half times the current cost would be collected along with a processing fee of Rs. 200.00 per document, in addition to the overdue charges if any.




  • Fully wi-fi enabled Library
  • Closed Circuit TV Camera Facility Available.
  • Internet Browsing Center (Free of cost to all users)
  • Reprographic facilities are made available.
  • Carrier Development Cell available.
  • Users’ suggestion box available.
  • e-Group Service available (dpmlibrary@googlegroups.com)
  • RO Water facility available.
  • Separate servers available for Library Automation and Internet.
  • Fire Extinguisher facility available


Department Contact Info

Daniel Poor Memorial Library
The American College
Alagar Kovil Main
Road Tallakulam, Madurai – 625002
Tamil Nadu, India

Phone: 91 452 2530070, 2530973

– (Ext) 269

E-Mail: Dpmlibrary@americancollege.edu.in

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources